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FREE Download FumeFX Importer for Houdini

[ #Houdini ]
Developed by Alessandro Nardini, FumeFX Importer is a Houdini HDA to work with FumeFX caches inside Houdini in an easy and fun way. It works like "DOP import fields" node does for Pyro but instead of referencing a live DOP it will operate on simulation VDB caches done with FumeFX v5 and up. It will also give you the ability to quickly export a set of AOVs new vdb caches to load them back into 3DSMax ▸ FumeFX in one click

FumeFX Importer for Houdini Features are:

  -FFX_import HDA it’s free!
  -Powered by Python and VEX.
  -UI inspired and designed with FumFX UI in mind.
  -UI live FumeFX grid information available at any time.
  -UI Dynamically load and unload parameters based on the input FumeFX VDB cache selected.
  -FumeFX Fields/Channels import selection.
  -FumeFX Fields/Channels auto rename to follow the common Houdini naming convention.
  -Check for missing vector fields components. (Velocities with only X or Colors with only R and G…)
  -Smart fields/channels shuffling and merging.
  -Load VDB caches as Fields or as BBOX for fast bounding preview.
  -Load FumeFX Sub Frames if exported. (Check "Save Sub Frames" in the FumeFX simulation tab)
  -Load NSims all at once. (You must have saved all of them into the same folder) (This include sub frames for each of them if they have been exported. The Load sub frames option must be enabled.)
  -NSIM as ONE convert all NSims caches into one and prepare it to successfully load it back into FumeFX if you desire so.
  -Live Z-Depth manipulation for artistic control on the output values.
  -Fast bounding box preview across all modes ( Single cache, Nsim and NSIMaONE ).
  -String auto formatting and simple errors checking anywhere you can input either a field name, a prefix or a filename.
  -Automated output file system and file naming. Just focus on crafting your work as quick as possible.
  -Export a Normals/Positions/Z-Depth Field in one click to load it back into 3DSMax ▸ FumeFX and render it with your scene.
  -HDA help/documentation with live links to the online FumeFX doc.


Download FumeFX Importer for Houdini here!

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FREE Download FumeFX Importer for Houdini Reviewed by CGRecord on 03:45 Rating: 5


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