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Featured Plugin

Material Texture Loader v1.2: PBR workflow script for 3ds Max

[ #3dsMax ]
Developed by David Zaagsma - The Material Texture Loader 1.2 is a 3ds Max script, designed to quickly load in textures, create a material and apply that to your scene. It works both with PBR, Specular and Metalic workflows, but it can be used for any type of texture that needs to be loaded as part of a material.

New Features in version 1.2:

- Support for Vray3.x, Redshift 2.6 and FStorm
- Live texture loading and material channel assignment.
- Live bitmap and material parameter editing.
- Create empty materials, with color, reflection, glossiness and ior inputs.
- Set Real-World and Triplanar scale size
- Improved parameter linking and material map setups.


Material Texture Loader v1.2 supports for Vray, Corona, Redhift, Arnold, FStorm and Standard materials. Compatible with 3ds max 2016 to 2020.Material Texture Loader v1.2 cost $15 here!
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Material Texture Loader v1.2: PBR workflow script for 3ds Max Reviewed by CGRecord on 16:17 Rating: 5


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