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Download Scene Depth Calculator v1.7 for NUKE

[ #Nuke ]
Developed by Mark Joey Tang. Scene Depth Calculator calculates the depth distance between animated or non-animated axis/geo and camera. It is useful for any depth setup and make it automatic, such as creating rack focus, DOF on moving object, DeepCrop, create holdout in Deep, clip zdepth pass, analyze the depth for the shot to drive any 2D setup in template, etc.

Scene Depth Calculator v1.7 Changes are:
- removed node class restriction
* Because some companies are using their own camera/axis class nodes. So it supported any type of nodes
- can use any nodes' knob value
* if detected missing default knob to link, user can set another knob manually or even use the custom data in 'NoOp' .
- show linked expression of camera and target
- frame range added 'current frame'option. For 1 frame calculation.


Download Scene Depth Calculator v1.7 for NUKE here!   More Compositing Plugin [post_ad]
Download Scene Depth Calculator v1.7 for NUKE Reviewed by CGRecord on 22:02 Rating: 5


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