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Featured Plugin

Ornatrix v2.3.9 for Autodesk Maya

[ #adskMaya ]
Ephere Inc has announced that the new update of it grooming tool Ornatrix v2.3.9 for Autodesk Maya is now available with greatly improved barycentric interpolation, added an attribute to ScatterNode and more ...

Ornatrix v2.3.9 for Autodesk Maya Features are:

New: Greatly improved barycentric interpolation (To enable, select option other than "Distribution Mesh" in Hair From Guides)
New: Added an attribute to ScatterNode to make it only renderable
New: Baked Hair animation always uses frame 0 character pose to ground strands
Fixed: MeshFromStrandsNode: Artifacts on proxy meshes
Fixed: Grounded and bakes hair don't follow deforming distribution mesh
Fixed: All instances of Moov inherit the same Strand Group parameter
Fixed: Missing Plant Guides Tool button
Fixed: Edit guides Edit Mode buttons don't update correctly when multiple property windows are open
Fixed: Hair is not displayed until the viewport is rotated
Fixed: Hair looks different everytime is exported as .ass
Numerous internal refactorings


Exiting user can have free update or new user can buy ($499) Ornatrix v2.3.9 for Autodesk Maya here
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Ornatrix v2.3.9 for Autodesk Maya Reviewed by CGRecord on 08:56 Rating: 5


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