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Tropism for Modo | Tool for creating procedural tree, vine and vein in MODO

[ #MODO ]
Developed by DigitalExpressions Sweden, Tropism is a fully procedural tree, vine and vein generator. Tropism is built on custom Mesh Operators in Modo. The plugin is based on the Space Colonization Algorithm by Adam Runions who has given us his permission to use it for Tropism. To get the complete understanding of the algorithm please read the original paper.

>> See Also: MODO tutorial

Tropism Features are:

-Grow entities like trees, shrubs, plants, veins, lightning bolts in real time
-Grow inside mesh boundaries, on mesh surfaces or in point clouds using the built-in point generator (Point Scatter)
-Paint vertices on mesh surfaces and see vines grow in realtime where you paint
-Define start location of the growth using one or more locators (roots)
-With several roots all entities will compete for space without branch collisions
-Use deformers, effectors to shape, deform and animate the growth
-Mesh UV-mapping automatically generated
-High/Low poly generation
-Use curves as guides for growing
-Leaf system controls


Tropism for Modo is available here for € 50.00!   More Modo Plugin [post_ad]
Tropism for Modo | Tool for creating procedural tree, vine and vein in MODO Reviewed by CGRecord on 21:44 Rating: 5


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