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Featured Plugin

Particle Projection v1.0 for After Effects

[ #AfterEffects ]
Developed by Richard Rosenman, Particle Projection is a powerful After Effects plugin for generating complex particle arrays projected through the use of a displacement layer. Particle Projection can create stunning and unique generative effects with an incredible level of detail.

Particle Projection operates by generating an array of particles and then projecting them in 3D perspective according to the displacement layer’s corresponding pixel luminance value. The brighter the pixel value, the greater the particle projection. Selecting interesting displacement layers and filtering them appropriately will result in unique projections. Imported footage isn’t always necessary and using generative effects like After Effect’s Turbulent Noise will produce amazing results.

Particle Projection also offers dynamic mapping features. For instance, it is possible to affect the particle size, color, and transparency according to the displacement layer’s value. Brighter displacement layer values will result in certain particles being larger than others, certain particles shaded one color versus the other, or certain particles being more transparent than the other. Each mapping control also provides an inverse option for ultimate control.


Check out the Particle Projection Product Page for more info and download the free demo here!
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Particle Projection v1.0 for After Effects Reviewed by CGRecord on 08:08 Rating: 5

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