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V-Ray Next, Update 2 for 3ds Max is coming and It's faster with many light sources

[ #Vray ]
Vladimir Koylazov (a.k.a Vlado) - Creator of V-Ray has shared a video showing V-Ray Next, Update 2 for 3ds Max which includes improvements for scenes with many light sources (thousands of them).

V-Ray Next, Update 2 features :

- Faster light cache for scenes with many light sources; sometimes up to 2x times faster (for a test scene with 5000 lights);
- Better algorithm for discovering important light sources greatly reduces the probability for flickering with the adaptive lights;
- Faster BF+BF rendering when the adaptive lights are not available.

For this scene, the render time on a Ryzen Threadripper 2990WX was approximately 6 minutes per frame, with the V-Ray denoiser applied on the final sequence. More information will be updated
See V-Ray Next for 3ds Max, Update 1 – New Features

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V-Ray Next, Update 2 for 3ds Max is coming and It's faster with many light sources Reviewed by CGRecord on 20:51 Rating: 5

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