• Instances do not overlap with each other. Never, period.
• Split your work to smaller pieces – instance objects in multiple generations.
• Use UV mapped black and white textures to control size and distance for each generation.
• Remove the unwanted using simple editing tools and fill the space in a different way afterwards.
• PRESET LOADING/SAVING: Save your favourite settings as preset. Next time you choose your target, choose your preset, hit generate button and you are all set.
• SCATTER ANYTHING: Use any object from library or from your scene by layers or selections. Adjust probability of occurence for each of them.
• MODEL APPROXIMATION: Choose between faster circle or better convex hull approximation. Choose single-core to get the best possible fit or multi-core to get it done in seconds.
• SUPPORTED RENDER ENGINES: Natively supported render engines: VRay and more to come… Apart from that, you can convert to mesh or real instances and then use any render engine you want.
>> See Also: ReDeform Plugin for 3ds Max
NeatScatter is available for 3ds Max 2016+ and it costs €119 (around $139) or You can try 15 days trial version.
Read more about NeatScatter on d76’s product website
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NeatScatter for 3ds Max 2016 - 2019
Reviewed by Unknown
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