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Featured Plugin

NeatScatter for 3ds Max 2016 - 2019

[ #3dsMax #Scatter #Plugins #Modeling #environment ]
NeatScatter is a new plugin for 3ds Max, which is used for scattering large amounts of objects over an area according to predetermined parameters. The plugin offers an iterative workflow, making it possible to scatter smaller objects into the spaces left between larger ones, with the option to edit the resulting distributions by hand
• Instances do not overlap with each other. Never, period.
• Split your work to smaller pieces – instance objects in multiple generations.
• Use UV mapped black and white textures to control size and distance for each generation.
• Remove the unwanted using simple editing tools and fill the space in a different way afterwards.
• PRESET LOADING/SAVING: Save your favourite settings as preset. Next time you choose your target, choose your preset, hit generate button and you are all set.
• SCATTER ANYTHING: Use any object from library or from your scene by layers or selections. Adjust probability of occurence for each of them.
• MODEL APPROXIMATION: Choose between faster circle or better convex hull approximation. Choose single-core to get the best possible fit or multi-core to get it done in seconds.
• SUPPORTED RENDER ENGINES: Natively supported render engines: VRay and more to come… Apart from that, you can convert to mesh or real instances and then use any render engine you want.

>> See Also: ReDeform Plugin for 3ds Max

NeatScatter is available for 3ds Max 2016+ and it costs €119 (around $139) or You can try 15 days trial version.
Read more about NeatScatter on d76’s product website

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NeatScatter for 3ds Max 2016 - 2019 Reviewed by Unknown on 01:53 Rating: 5

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