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Featured Plugin

ReDeform Plugin for 3ds Max

[ #3ds Max]
Model+Model has presented ReDeform, a new modifier plugin for 3DS Max that lets users resize objects in world units with several options to freeze the deformation of specified areas to retain proportions. ReDeform is a great solution for quickly resizing right-lined objects like furniture, kitchen cabinets, doors, shelves, tables and more

ReDeform has its own method of changing dimensions that moves object vertices respectively so an object stays in its original shape. The plugin also has a scale mode in which you can make scale adjustmensts more easily than with the simple 3ds Max scale.

The plugin 
requires the user to position X, Y and Z plane sub-objects to identify areas whose proportions should be preserved. The scale operation takes place between the first vertices the plugin finds on either side of this plane. For more flexibility, the plane can be expanded to a rectangle to freeze the area that is enclosed.

Other features include the ability to position the pivot from which the scale operation takes place and rescale the object visually using a control cage (similar to a 2 x 2 x 2 FFD modifier). It is also possible to offset the boundaries a specified distance from the bounding box which could make using multiple ReDeform objects together – for example, a window frame and a sash – much easier.

Finally, in order to prevent UVW maps from becoming deformed when scaled, there’s a Preserve UVWs option.

ReDeform costs $20 for a perpetual license and a 15 day demo is available. A free Network version is available for installation on Render Farms. Find out more on Model+Model’s website.


>> See Also: TyFlow for 3ds Max

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ReDeform Plugin for 3ds Max Reviewed by Unknown on 19:37 Rating: 5

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