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Pulldownit 4 for 3ds Max

[ #VFX ]
Thinkinetic has released, Pulldownit 4 for 3ds max with several new powerful features, better performance and usability, fracture solver is around 30% faster

Pulldownit 4 for 3ds Max Features:

Shatter New Features
  -New Adquire Shatter style, new style to transfer a current shatter pattern and animation to another object, by using it you can apply the same destruction effect to a version of the model with different shaders applied or to a hi-poly version of the same model.

  -Shatter based in volume shape, now you can use any polygonal shape to constraint the shatter effect to its contour, this is especially useful when shattering based on an impact object.

  -Jagginess( v2.0) independent of tessellation, new Jaggy method is independent of the original mesh tessellation, getting much lighter jaggy fragments when the object is hi-poly, and removing the artifacts caused in borders of high tessellated models.
New soften edges UI parameter for Jagginess. New parameter to adjust soften of jaggy edges to get the amount of roughness desired in inner faces. In addition new soften method removes visible seems on inner borders from previous method.

  -New option to apply jaggines to broken fragments only, using this option for non-moving fragments you can apply jagginess only to the areas which has been broken in simulation, getting much lighter meshes for rendering or real time games.

Dynamics New Features

  -Speed up Fractures solver 30%, PDI dynamic solver has been very fast since its first version, in this latest release you will experiment faster iterations when working in dynamics.

  -New ability to pull apart pieces of an animated object at desired frame, besides activating rigid bodies at first hit you can now set the frame when they become active and if the bodies are linked to an animated object they adquire the velocity of its parent.
  -Reset keeps selected, you can now bake keys only for selected fractures and rigid bodies, letting the rest to continue being driven by simulation, baked fractures can still interact with other objects by setting the animated fragments as kinematic bodies.

  -Animatable Fracture Parameters, new fBodyAnim modifier allows to animate fracture hardness, friction and bounciness values during simulation.

  -Cluster break energy is now independent of body mass/scale, Pulldownit 4 has removed break energy dependency on mass and scale making more intuitive exploding fragments at desired frame.
More detail see change logs


More detail and get Pulldownit here!
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Pulldownit 4 for 3ds Max Reviewed by CGRecord on 22:01 Rating: 5

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