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Featured Plugin

Miarmy 6.2 for Autodesk Maya 2014 - 2019

[ #adskMaya ]
Basefount has released Miarmy 6.2 for Autodesk Maya with adding new flocking, auto-fight and cache editing options, and support for layered caches.

New Features

Easy Cache Editing Solution
After simulation and caching, we can easily fix some small bugs in simulation by grouping and editing tools. And in the new version, we support layer cache and allow the agents inside being able to adapt terrain.
​Flocking System
Agents are now able to mimic the orientation of nearby group of agents and achieve the flocking behavior, this can be used very frequently in animals simulation like birds, fishes or sheep.
​Auto Fight System
2 armies can auto fight each other now.
Charge, meet, aim and attack can be automatically calculated by our direct logic engine.
​Geometry Defined Spot
Now we can define the spot by geometry. The target point doesn't have to be spot again. Instead it can be random points distributed inside the geometry. We can use it to sculpt the shape of agent flock.
​New Action Proxy Method
New Action Proxy tool has been updated in the new version, we can now check the action and tweak the transition of actions much easier than before.
​New Transition Map and Brain Viewer
We bring a new QT based Transition Map and Brain View (in Maya 2018), making it easier to debug your agents.
Redshift Full Support
Redshift renderer can now read the shader of each geometry and render everything correctly.

​Exit Trigger
We can use logic to control the action agents will select to transit to next action in transition map along with exit trigger.

​Colorize and Randomize Real Time Display
Before rendering, we can use the real time display tool to preview and verify agents geometries. And in this new version, we introduced randomize geometry and color on the display geometries.​


- Redshift Upgrade and Support 2.5
- Maya 2018 Support for Mac, Windows and Linux
- Arnold 2.0 2.1 Crypto Support
- Footmap Baking upgraded to selection agents
- Prman batch export tool
- Maya 2018 Real Time Display Culling
- Viewport 2.0 Brighness error in Maya 2018

Bug Fixes:

- Clone Cache not work when multiple placement with Logic
- Inverse Placement crash when agent number exceed 32000
- Clone Crash without real agent placement
- Mesh Drive error when geometry no shader
- Negtive Frame error with Sine and Cosine Logic Function
- 3DS Max Catalog File Reading

Known Issue:

- Maya 2018 wireframe on shaded cannot display correctly
- Arnold 2.0 is very slow to render, 2.1 and above is good!
- De-place agent in viewport 1 will be slow if used viewport 2.0, Switch Viewport 2.0 and deplace will be much faster

Pricing and availability

Miarmy 6.2 for Autodesk Maya 2014 - 2019 have a single node-locked licence costs $2,750; a site licence costs $5,250; and there are a range of rental options.

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Miarmy 6.2 for Autodesk Maya 2014 - 2019 Reviewed by CGRecord on 08:47 Rating: 5

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