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OctaneRender v3.06.4 for 3ds Max 2013-2018

[ #OctaneRender #Rendering #3dsMax ]
Otoy Inc has released the updated version for OctaneRender for 3ds Max, including some changes for improved performance of scene collection, handling of Octane Proxy files and new Octane Node Viewer button in the viewport window.
Check out the latest update of OctaneRender for 3dsMax.

>> See Also: Creating Explosive Glass In 3ds Max and Octane Render

Changes for v3.06.4:
- Improves performance of scene collection
- Fixes a crash when Octane Proxy files are not found
- Improves handling of Octane Proxy files
- Fixes a Proxy scale bug
- Fixes a crash on Proxy export
- Fixes support for animated backgrounds in the viewport
- Fixes issues with W's for Ornatrix Hair
- Adds options to fix render perpetual restart in some cases with Ornatrix
- Fixes issues with PFlow when using an alembic Object as particle geometry
- Fixes unnecessary reload and restart render of static VDB Volume when changing the timeline
- Fixes material DB import issues
- Fixes warning of incorrect output buffer size happening in some cases
- Adds a Refresh Live DB option to reload local DB
- Adds support for some node types on import (UVW, linear, cylindrical, perspective projections)
- Adds visual input nodes for the gradient texture in Slate editor
- Adds 'Octane Node Viewer' button in the viewport window
- Adds Orbx export options to use preset or edited path and filename


OctaneRender for 3ds Max is available for Max 2013 to 2018 and costs $619. A demo version is available HERE.

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OctaneRender v3.06.4 for 3ds Max 2013-2018 Reviewed by Unknown on 01:54 Rating: 5

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