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Mental Ray v1.2 for Maya 2018

[ #MentalRay #Rendering #Maya #Nvidia ]
The version 1.2 update of the NVIDIA Mental Ray for Maya Plugin has just come out, and the corresponding mental ray Standalone. This update introduces support for NVIDIA's new Volta GPU generation, thus it's based on the new CUDA 9.That means, it will continue to work with the older GPU generations Pascal, Maxwell, and Kepler. The update also fixes a lot of known issues, and improves rendering performance especially for GI Next.

>> See Also: Autodesk Maya LT 2018

Updates and Changes in Mental Ray v.12:
• Added support for Maya 2018.
• Fixed possible crashes when switching from mental ray Viewport to Viewport 2.0 and modifying camera or scene after that.
• Fixed possible missing color transform when exporting to .mi file or when rendering with satellite hosts. Note: in some corner cases, color profile for the camera may still be missing.
• Invalid file paths in mentalrayTexture nodes can now be re-pathed using the File Path Editor.
• Fixed possible SynColor color management issue, in particular when using mental ray for Maya plugin with Maya 2017 Update 4.
• On Mac OSX and Linux platforms, fixed possible issues with user-local paths MDL materials.
• When rendering on a machine without CUDA-capable GPU, GI Next indirect illumination falls back to CPU. Erroneously, if rendering was done with satellites which had CUDA-capable GPUs, GPU acceleration on satellite was disabled as well. This is fixed now.
• script is renamed to, in order to avoid conflict with other Maya packages.
• For Maya 2017 Update 4, fixed default port used for satellites in mental ray shelf’s Resource Management dialog.


Download Mental Ray for Maya in NVIDIA Advanced Rendering Forum.
See the NVIDIA_mental_ray_for_Maya_Release_Notes.pdf for more details.

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Mental Ray v1.2 for Maya 2018 Reviewed by Unknown on 02:33 Rating: 5

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