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Anima 2.6.2 Update Released

[ #Anima #AXYZ #3dsMax #Animation #UE4 ]
AXYZ design has released a new update for their crowd population tool. It was unveiled at the D2 Vienna Conference which hosts one of the largest gatherings of architectural visualization artists in the world. At the program, a collection of nice ideas and artwork which were done with the use of ANIMA 2 and #AXYZ 3d Human characters were displayed in their beauty. You can watch the video conference below.

>> See Also: ANIMA 2.6.2 Beta - Import process to Unreal Engine

• 3DS Max Plugin: Added possibility to setup values of “Playback Speed” and “Time Offset” for each scene individually.
• Cinema 4D Plugin: Added possibility to setup values of “Playback Speed” and “Time Offset” for each scene individually.

• anima: Speed up calculation and viewport performance on large scenes.
• anima: Fixed an issue where large projects could not be packed correctly using the “Export Pack” feature.
• anima: Fixed an issue where not all assets being used by the project would be included using the “Export Pack” feature.
• anima: Fixed an issue where large projects could not be imported correctly using the “Import Pack” feature.


Download Anima 2.6.2 updated HERE.

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Anima 2.6.2 Update Released Reviewed by Unknown on 01:40 Rating: 5

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