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Featured Plugin

FaceBuilder for NUKE

[ #Nuke #Modeling #3dModel ]
FaceBuilder is a very fast and easy to use tool for building 3D models of human’s face or head based on just a few photos.
It's a Foundry Nuke's plugin and a part KeenTools plugins suite. FaceTracker is in beta for Nuke 8 and above, running on Windows, Linux and macOS.

>> See Also: Simulating Physically Accurate Depth of Field in Nuke


FaceBuilder is currently available as a free download as part of the KeenTools product bundle, along with a 15-day trial of GeoTracker, KeenTools’ advanced 3D object tracker for Nuke.

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FaceBuilder for NUKE Reviewed by Unknown on 06:22 Rating: 5


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